Catching Zzz’s: Tips for a Better Night’s Sleep

July 21, 2017

Tossing and turning throughout the night is not fun. A rough night of sleep can leave us cranky and groggy the next morning.

Additionally, studies show that a full night of sleep (at least 7 hours) is essential to healthy body function. The lack of sleep can cause anxiety, stress upon the mind and body, and depression. Sleep deprivation can even lead to high blood pressure, type-2 diabetes and heart disease.

Need some tips to stop counting sheep throughout the night? Take a look at the list of suggestions below:

  1. No naps
    Kick the habit of those power naps and afternoon naps. They have the potential to affect the balance of your sleep schedule.
  2. Hide your clock
    Looking at the clock can remind you of responsibilities of the day. Take a mental break by keeping the clock away from your bed.
  3. Pick the perfect pillow
    Something as small as an uncomfortable pillow can cause us to count sheep at night. Find the perfect shape, firmness, and size that suits your comfort level.
  4. Disinfect and seal your mattress
    Allergens that live in our mattresses can disrupt our sleep. Sealing your mattress with plastic creates a barrier to keep them at bay while you sleep.
  5. Establish a “no work zone” in bed
    If it does not involve sleeping or intimate times, leave the work out of the bed. Conducting business in and right before bed does not allow your mind to have a wind-down period. You may also create an association of tasks and work with what should be a peaceful place of rest.
  6. Train your inner clock
    Make it a habit of waking up and going to bed at the same time every day. This will train your body to anticipate sleep at night.
  7. Cut out caffeine
    Skip that afternoon cup of Joe, that caffeine can affect a god night’s sleep.
  8. Exercise 3-4 hours before bed
    Working out releases melatonin, a chemical in the body that can calm and relax the mind.
  9. No heavy meals right before bed
    Eating a heavy meal or something sweet before bed can upset your stomach and the digestive system. A stomach ache or indigestion can disrupt sleep throughout the night. Try to have your last meal of the day at least 2 hours before bedtime.
  10. Don’t drink beverage right before bed
    Try to limit beverage intake to at least 2 hours before you go to sleep. No one likes those middle of the night bathroom breaks!
  11. Use a white noise machine
    These machines don’t only work for babies. White noise can help adults sleep longer by masking noises heard throughout the night that can disrupt your sleep.
  12. Aromatherapy
    Lavender and Chamomile are believed to have positive effects on the relaxation of the mind and body. Try adding a few drops into an oil warmer or even into your bath right before bed.

What are some additional techniques that you use to fall asleep? Share them with us on our Facebook page.


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