10 Ways Aging Affects Your Body

March 24, 2016

As you age, nearly every part of your body is affected. But that doesn’t mean you should sit around and watch it happen. Here are ten ways to proactively manage your aging body, from head to toe.

1) Our Eyes

As we age, our eyes have trouble adjusting to different lighting and focusing on items close up. To decrease eye strain, wear glasses or contacts if your doctor has prescribed them, and wear sunglasses with UVA/UVB protection.

2) Our Ears

As we get older, it becomes harder to hear higher frequencies and distinguish multiple sounds at once. Remember to schedule regular hearing check-ups and speak with your doctor if you feel you need hearing aids.

3) Our Teeth

Our risk factors for tooth decay increase with age, as our gums naturally shrink and more medications can lead to dry mouth. In order to prevent tooth decay, it is important to maintain good oral hygiene by brushing your teeth twice a day and remembering to floss.

4) Our Skin

Skin gets thinner and loses elasticity as we age, leading to bruising, dry skin, and wrinkles. To combat these issues, apply sunscreen when you are outside, bathe in lukewarm (not hot) water, and never smoke.

5) Our Bones

Our bones lose density as they age, which can lead to weakness and fractures. Women over 50 and men over 70 should increase their daily calcium intake from 1,000 mg to 1,200 mg bytaking a supplement or eating foods like milk, yogurt, and broccoli.

6) Our Muscles

It is important to keep exercising as you get older, as your muscles can lose strength and flexibility. This can inhibit your balance, as well as your coordination. Try adding strength training to your weekly routine.

7) Our Stomach and Intestines

Whether due to illness, medications, or simply not staying hydrated, the elderly are more likely to suffer from constipation. Physical activity and eating foods rich in fiber can help aid bowel and stomach problems.

8) Our Bladder

The elderly are also prone to incontinence caused by illness, weakened muscles, or as a side effect of menopause or an enlarged prostate. Going more frequently and establishing a regular schedule can help.

9) Our Heart

Aging may cause your heart to enlarge and your heart rate to decrease and your arteries to stiffen. Regular exercise, eating a well-balanced diet and monitoring your stress levels can combat this problem.

10) Our Brain

Memory naturally declines with age, but any serious problems should be discussed with your physician. However, like with most age-related problems, regular exercise, a nutritious diet, learning new tasks, and socializing can all help delay memory loss.

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