Study Leadership | David Roberts

David Roberts, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine, Study Investigator

Dr. Roberts holds the Charles F. Evans Chair of Internal Medicine is the Director of the Paul W. Seavey Comprehensive Internal Medicine Clinic and the Medical Director of Emory Executive Health, and Associate Professor of Internal Medicine. He graduated from the Georgia Institute of Technology (BS, Applied Biology) and Emory University School of Medicine (MD) and is currently a Fellow of the American College of Physicians (FACP). He completed his internal medicine residency training at Emory University Affiliated Hospitals.

Dr. Roberts has practiced at the Emory Clinic since 1989 and has been honored numerous times for his contributions as a physician, researcher and educator. He was awarded the Rollins Distinguished Clinician honor in 2013 and the Charles F. Evans Professor of Medicine honor in 2003. In 1997, was awarded the Paul W. Seavey Senior Clinician Educator Award. He also served as the Senior Aviation Medical Examiner from 1991-2006.

Dr. Roberts is recognized in his field for his research in urology and the effects of hormones on brain health, potential screening tests for renal lesions, and use of assays with mass spectrometry in potential diagnosis or tumor typing in renal carcinoma.

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Life expectancy is expected to substantially grow in the future
1 in 5 people will be aged 60 plus in 2050
Life expectancy in the US increased by 10.5 years from 1950 to 2015
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