Emory Healthy Aging Study Research Collaboration Application

Please complete the form below to request an opportunity to scientifically collaborate with the Emory Healthy Aging Study. Collaboration may include cohort sharing, specimen sharing, data-sharing, or joint scientific investigation. Collaboration is open to qualified researchers at any institution. Affiliated studies must be IRB-approved. Emory Healthy Aging Study leadership will review applications upon receipt. All fields are required unless indicated.

Please note: The sum total of all the attachments to the below form may not exceed 50MB.

Your time commitment is minimal, but the potential impact is immeasurable!

Life expectancy is expected to substantially grow in the future
1 in 5 people will be aged 60 plus in 2050
Life expectancy in the US increased by 10.5 years from 1950 to 2015
It takes 22 minutes to join the Healthy Aging Study and contribute to a large public health initiative

Free Online Resources: Maximize your body and mind’s potential with these articles on healthy living and healthy food!

Recent news, articles, and information about public health, disorders like Alzheimer’s disease, and the Healthy Aging Study:

Strengthening Medical Innovation Through Diversity
[Read the Blog]
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How To Outsmart Your Food Cravings
[Watch the Video]
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Support the Emory Healthy Aging Study

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