Emory Healthy Brain Study FAQs

Do I have to participate in the Emory Healthy Aging Study before I can join EHBS?
The majority of our participants join the Emory Healthy Aging Study before joining EHBS. If you are interested in expediting your enrollment process, please email healthybrainstudy@emory.edu to speak with one of our recruiters.
How do we choose our EHBS participants?
We review your responses to the Emory Healthy Aging Study health history questionnaire to determine if you are eligible. We are looking for generally healthy individuals, who live close to the Atlanta area, and are between the ages of 50 and 75.
How will I know if I qualify for the study?
If you qualify for the EHBS a research coordinator will contact you if you are deemed eligible to participate in the study. Screening eligibility may take several months. If you have additional questions about your eligibility, you may contact us at healthybrainstudy@emory.edu.
How often will I come in for a visit?
You will be asked to complete between 2-3 study visits every two (2) years.
How long will I have to participate in the EHBS study?
Currently, the study does not have an expiration date so you may participate for as long as you wish.
How long will the visit last?
Each visit will last less than four (4) hours.
I work full-time – can I split my visit into two days?
Yes, we can divide the visit based on the most convenient schedule for you.
When will my visit start?
Teletesting (2-2.5 hours): These visits are conducted M-F at 9:00AM, 9:30AM, 1:00PM and 1:30PM
Fasting (1.5-2 hours): Conducted M-F at 8:30AM, 9:30AM, 11:30AM and 12:30PM
MRI (1-1.5 hours): Conducted M-F and some Saturdays at 8:00AM, 9:30AM, 11:00AM, 1:30PM, and 3:00 PM
Can I schedule my visit on a weekend?
Currently, we offer teletesting and fasting visits Monday through Friday. We have some availability for MRIs to be completed on the weekend.
Where will my study visit take place?
6 Executive Park Dr. NE
2nd floor Atlanta, GA 30329.
You may park in the back of the building or in the parking deck. Once parked, enter the building and travel down the entrance hall until you get to the elevator in the center of the building - take the elevator to the 2nd floor, where you will check in at the front desk.
Will I be compensated for my time?
Yes, you will be compensated for your time. You will receive up to a total of $225.00 in gift cards for completing your study visit - $150 for the fasting visit and $75 if you complete the MRI.
Can/Will my results be disclosed to my doctor or me?
No, we do not release any study results to participants unless we discover a problem that is medically actionable, or treatable. This is done because it takes a while to discover the meaning of research results. We also do not disclose any information to providers outside of our study. Furthermore, all specimens collected from you will be de-identified, so the providers on the team will be blind as well.
How will my information be used?
Your samples and information may be used to help create new diagnostic tests, medicines, or other commercial uses.
Will participation in this study benefit me directly?
The main purpose of research is to gain knowledge. It is not necessarily intended for personal benefit, although the knowledge we gain will be used to help others in the future.
Will I need to fast for my visit?
Yes, you must fast for three (3) hours from food and two (2) hours from caffeine. However, please drink plenty of water before your arrival! For MRI and teletesting visits do not require fasting from food, however we do ask that you fast 2 hours from caffeine for the MRI.
Should I drink water before my visit?
Please drink plenty of water before your arrival! It is important to be well hydrated for your blood draw and lumbar puncture!
How should I dress for my visit?
On the day of your fasting visit, dress in comfortable clothing with loose fitting sleeves. You will be moving to multiple rooms throughout the day, and some procedures require you to sit or lie still for lengths of time. There will be no physical exercise component, so it is not necessary to bring athletic wear. Additionally, please refrain from wearing lotion, compression socks, or pantyhose, as these affect our ability to perform the cardiovascular procedures. On the day of your MRI visit, please do not wear any pins in your hair or clothes or eye makeup. You will be asked to change into scrubs to complete the MRI. Additionally, please do not wear or be prepared to remove any and all jewelry. Please wear comfortable clothing.
Should I take my medication before my visit?
Yes, please take your medications as usual.
Are there any alternatives to the lumbar puncture?
Not at the present time. You must be willing to undergo a lumbar puncture to participate in the study. Most participants report the lumbar puncture is not nearly as bad as it seems.

If I know someone who is also interested in participating, how do I refer them to the study?
Please direct them to email healthybrainstudy@emory.edu to speak with one of our recruiters.

Your time commitment is minimal, but the potential impact is immeasurable!

Life expectancy is expected to substantially grow in the future
1 in 5 people will be aged 60 plus in 2050
Life expectancy in the US increased by 10.5 years from 1950 to 2015
It takes 22 minutes to join the Healthy Aging Study and contribute to a large public health initiative

Free Online Resources: Maximize your body and mind’s potential with these articles on healthy living and healthy food!

Recent news, articles, and information about public health, disorders like Alzheimer’s disease, and the Healthy Aging Study:

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How To Outsmart Your Food Cravings
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