What it is

The Emory Healthy Aging Study is the largest clinical research study ever conducted in Atlanta. It is a game changing effort to further our scientific understanding of how we age, and to identify predictive markers through cutting edge technologies that can predict diseases that occur more commonly in later years.

The Emory Healthy Aging Study will build an extremely large database by recruiting a large number of participants to take part in the study over a long period of time. We will keep involvement as simple and easy as possible. You can do more or less, depending on your desire. The data we collect may also help you and your physician learn more about your overall health.

As an academic medical center, Emory’s mission includes providing care for you and also researching how to provide even better care in the future. Many important medical discoveries including new treatments have been made right here, thanks to the work of Emory researchers and to study participants like you.

Yes, you can change the world for the better.

If you participate in this study, you’ll be asked to complete a brief questionnaire about your and your family’s medical history. You may also be asked to periodically complete other surveys, take online tests similar to memory games. With your permission, we may also ask you to allow any activity tracker (FitBit™, Jawbone™, etc.) that you may already own to share the data that it collects with us. If you’re an Emory patient, we’d also like to gather some information from your electronic medical records.

We’ll then follow up with you over time and ask you to re-take or update those same measures. Based on the information you provide, we may also invite you to participate in other voluntary scientific studies. Over time, we’ll collect a lot of information about many people’s health, which our diverse team of researchers will use to study numerous age-related diseases. Examples include Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, diabetes, and more. Along the way, we’ll make it easy for you to see your own information and for you to share it with your primary care physician. It is easy and it is transparent.

Participation in this study is an easy way to help others while learning more about your own health. The time commitment is minimal, registration is voluntary, and participation will not affect any care you receive at Emory.

Join the study today.

Recent news, articles, and information about public health, disorders like Alzheimer’s disease, and the Healthy Aging Study:

Strengthening Medical Innovation Through a Wide Range of Communities
[Read the Blog]
View more blogs.
How To Outsmart Your Food Cravings
[Watch the Video]
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