Landing – Aging Effects – Stretches
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10 Stretches To Do As You Age

While stretching at all ages can be beneficial, the benefits of consistent stretching become more apparent as we age. Implement these stretches into your weekly routine to improve circulation, flexibility, posture, and more!

10 Weekly Stretches

We’ve provided a variety of stretches in this guide that can help improve neck, hip, back, and leg flexibility. Download our easy-to-follow stretching guide to get started now!

Interested in healthy aging?

Help us change the world for the better

By joining the Emory Healthy Aging Study, you can help us work to prevent memory loss, learn more about the impact of consistent stretching, and understand and even cure age-related diseases that decrease life expectancy in the US and beyond. To learn more about the study and to see more gerontology research, visit our website.

Join The Study Join Mailing List

The Emory Healthy Aging Study is an exciting clinical research endeavor to further our understanding of how we age as a population.

Michele Marcus, PHD, MPH
Emory Healthcare


This is the largest clinical research study that Emory University has ever conducted and will change the knowledge the medical community has about aging.

Sharon Bergquist, MD
Emory Healthcare


The Emory Healthy Aging Study is about inter-disciplinary collaboration. We’re building a sustainable infrastructure applicable and accessible to health researchers across the spectrum.

James Lah, MD, PhD
Emory Healthcare

'10 Stretches To Do As You Age '

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