How it Works

The Emory Healthy Aging Study researches how we age, and focuses on age-related diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer. Participation in this online study is simple and easy!

To participate:

  1. Sign up online
  2. Complete a brief health history questionnaire
  3. Occasionally respond to various surveys and complete online memory tasks

To be eligible for the Emory Healthy Aging Study, participants must be 18 years of age or older and residents of the United States and its territories. Participants must also read and understand English.

The information that is shared with us will be compiled into a secure database that will allow researchers to study how an individuals’ health changes over time. The data we collect may also help you and your physician learn more about your overall health.

Based on the information you provide, researchers may also contact you about other studies, such as the Emory Brain Study.

Overall, we will strive to keep your involvement as simple and easy as possible. The level of participation is up to you, and is completely voluntary.

Join the study today.

Recent news, articles, and information about public health, disorders like Alzheimer’s disease, and the Healthy Aging Study:

My New Year’s Resolutions Always Fail, But Why?
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How To Outsmart Your Food Cravings
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